Anyone else having problems after the latest WINDOWS Update?
I was doing fine yesterday. When I shut down my computer last night, I opted to NOT have the Windows Updates install since I had to go to bed.
This morning, after the Windows Updates were installed …
My AOL will NOT connect whatsoever. After 1 or 2 seconds, BAMM! It gets kicked off.
I get one of those errors, which of course mean nothing to us.
I guess I’ll have to try a System Restore a bit later.
Right now I’m back on my Windows 98SE Gateway computer.
Any particular Link to where I could find out if there is a problem with the latest Windows Update?
Okay, I have fixed the problem.
I did perform a System Restore to yesterday, but that didn’t fix the problem.
I was about 10 seconds away from performing an AOL Reinstall.
Luckily, I decided to try one last thing before engaging in that.
I checked right there from AOL to see if my Modem was even showing up as detected.
My AOL showed there was NO MODEM. :o
So, I just clicked on Find Modem.
And VOILA! My Modem was detected and I could now connect with my AOL again.
Now I have a follow up question.
Since my WINDOWS Updates that were installed this morning were now wiped out by my System Restore to yesterday … will they be automatically downloaded AGAIN … TODAY? This way I can install them this evening. Or do I have to click on some Button to have them download again now that I wiped them out? (I do have Automatic Windows Updates set to ON.)
Almost daily AOL Upgrades? Hmmm? Well that’s odd, SafeSurf.
I haven’t been prompted for an AOL Upgrade in ages. Unless it’s really only on the newer versions. I have a really old version of AOL … AOL 9.0 Security Edition. I’ve had this same version for around 4 or 5 years. So yeah, there have been newer AOL versions since then.
Anyway, this AOL IS my ISP. So that’s why I NEED it to be working. If my AOL won’t connect, I don’t have Internet. Once I connect to AOL, I then minimize it and use Opera Browser. I of course also use the AOL E-mail portion of AOL.