Apology Accepted ...


We would like to apologize for yesterday’s spam incident, which happened on this forum.

Although it may appear that it was sent from Alwil’s staff, this is not the case. The malicious user appears to have registered, found the list of the users, and then sent personal messages to them, with the subject line: “URGENT MESSAGE FROM ADMIN!!!”. If you received such a PM, you were also sent the copy of it in an email with the sender “avast!WEBforum” webadmin@asw.cz.

Please note that there was no compromise of the user database, and no email addresses were leaked from the site. However, preventive measures have now been taken, and include the registration now being a two-step process - users now have to have a valid email address, and personal messages are only available for users with 20 or more posts.

We’re also looking for other options of eliminating this kind of forum spam and we are hopeful that such a situation will not happen again.

Thank you, Kubec, for your concern about the past problem with spam.

I, for one, did not take offense at the incident and believe that most members either immediately understood that life sometimes has risks or have at least stopped blushing by now. Shortly after the spam occurred several logical recommendations were made that would allow the continued use of PMs by those who so choose. It has since been learned that some members still have this function while others do not.

This leads to a very simple question: May we please have PM capability back globally for those who have been forum members for a sufficient period of time to be considered trustworthy, who choose to use PMs, and who understand the risk?

He said PM’s are now available for those with 20 or more posts, but doesn’t look like I can send pm’s.

I follow this 8)
Sometimes I’ll would be happy just to share friendship here (http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=25231.new).
Oh, you can take the Sticky attribute of the spam incident ;D
Is there any remote possibility of all Off Topic forum to come back? ::slight_smile: ???

Edited… Thanks Negeltu for the info 8)

Nope, PM’s are still disabled. However i think they shouldn’t be. I wasn’t offended at all, spam is the way of how internet works, there is zillions of spam stuff being transfered everywhere, through email, web pages, IM, forums, blogs etc etc…
I don’t know what was the reaction of regular Joe’s, but first thing i did was to report the “incident” to admin or moderator (in this case it was ALWIL staff, igor if i remember correctly) and then i deleted the spam and forgot about it the very same moment.
It’s not like oh my god, only Alwil forum which is even security related has this kind of crap. It can happen anywhere. And it’s really shame that this kind of stuff is limiting forum usability just because some users were offended.
Maybe they should add this under “Policy” or FAQ and tell people how it is with spam and how to prevent it without limiting the board functionality. I think reaction like mine is the one that anyone would expect from any normal user.

I also hope Off topic subforum will re-open soon. Not that i posted a lot there but off topic related place is always a good thing. If people can only follow few basic rules…

Yes, because if it does, the bad guys win and we lose.

hey keith…feel the same way as most everyone else 8)
and tech…glad to hear you are doing LOTS better my friend and on the upcoming 20,000 posts…congrads ;D

Hi Dan,

My wife always says: Äll that does not kill ye, makes you stronger". So it is with a lot of things. There is always some bad in good things, and something good in evil workings. Just how you look at it. You could say; “This cup is half full” or “This cup is half empty”.
Stay happy, don’t worry,


love your pic polonus…that should be your new avatar ::slight_smile:
and thanks for the kind words my friend 8)
after what i went through in part of my life i try to be always happy and think positive and in the good things in life…for i have seen PURE HELL what i went through ::slight_smile:
have a good one everyone :wink:

You have my vote for the Off-topic too ;D

I also hope Off topic subforum will re-open soon.
You have my vote for the Off-topic too
Mine too! [i][b]*By the way i like your new avatar .:XMAS:.[/b][/i] ;D

Thanks SNOWHITE , it’s my own creation ;D

ouchies i just signed up i hope it doesn’t happen to me! *looks over shoulder hehe ::slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums, 114211. :slight_smile:

anbu posted the potential solution to the PM problem here
