APP lock is not working

After last Android Update, App Lock stopped working.

I have the SAME problem!!! My phone updated to Lollipop and now Avast will lock itself (Avast settings), but it won’t lock the other apps (e.g. Android settings). Is this a known issue? I even wiped my phone and reinstalled and same results. >:( >:( >:(

What is the brand and model of your hardware? I’m using a Motorola Moto G 4G LTE

FYI. I went to Avast Technical Support and submitted a ticket. In the ticket I mentioned that not only is the app lock not working, but that the feature that required to input Avast’s password in order to uninstall an app (if you had selected this feature) was also not working and you can uninstall any app at any time. Avast Technical Support replied and this is what I got back:

"[i]Thank you for contacting Avast. Regarding the uninstall protection - starting Android 5.x due to changes in the Android system it is unfortunately not possible to provide users with the “Uninstall protection” feature. The system alone will not allow any interruption of the uninstall process.

Regarding the applocking - we are aware of issues with this feature on phones of some manufacturers running Android 5. We are now working on a new version of Avast Mobile Security that includes improved app locking and better system resource management. If you wish to try out a beta of our new Avast Mobile Security then please follow instructions below:

Also very soon should come out standard (non beta) version of the Avast Anti-Theft that will also include this upgraded applocking.[/i]"

So basically, we are out of luck for these ultra-important security features until the developers cook up something new. ??? >:(


I am facing this issue for my one plus two mobile. Since its one of the most useful feature I would demand a quick fix for it.


Ditto: App Locking not working whatsoever except for PIN entry into Avast app. This is the Premium $14.95/yr paid version. Running CyanogenMod 12.1 (latest nightly) (ie. Lollipop 5.1.1) on Samsung Galaxy S4 (T-Mobile SGH-M919).

Btw, thanks but no thanks for offer of free beta tester.

I will notify Google Play Store about this issue. Imho, you should post a notice of deficiency on the Play Store offer until this is cleared up.

Not a happy camper about all this.

Regards . . .