I have a question about a possible bug. I’m not so familiar with this function, so if this is an expected behavior, sorry for the troubles. Here is the case:
I tried to lock an app with a PIN protection, so every time I start the app a PIN is required to start it, so far so good, but when I try to uninstall the locked app, no PIN was required and the app was removed without the need of a PIN. Wasn’t the lock protection supposed to stop an uninstall as well?
I looked in the settings and activated the option “Uninstall Protection”, which should (according to the description) make avast! ask for a PIN every time an app is uninstalled, but I got the same result - when I attempted to remove an app no PIN was needed. Is this normal or is some sort of bug?
I am using the latest avast! Mobile Security (no Anti-Theft installed) version available, my device is HTC One with the latest Android 4.4 + Sense 5.5 software
you are asked for your avast! PIN only once per session. Session is determined (maybe not only, but mainly) by screen turning off and on again. So if you turn on the screen, get past the lockscreen and insert your avast! PIN once, you won’t see any other prompts until you turn off the screen again.
So maybe you inserted your PIN already and then tried to uninstall the app.
Installed an app → locked it → turn off my screen - > screen on → open the app → pin was required → closed the app → lock the phone again → screen on → uninstall app → app uninstalled with no pin prompt (after the screen went on)
Well, I tried waiting, but nothing showed up (for about 20 sec), after that I hit the uninstall button and the app got uninstalled successfully (I have not entered the pin during this session as described in the previews posts).
btw if you need some logs (if there are any that could help), please let me know
Hi Filip, there is a similar thread at the German Forum, still unsolved and very similar to my Problem, too. Any Chance to get advice from you how to solve this issue? Here it is:
I installed the latest version of avast! mobile security (AMS) on the Samsung Galaxy Young (Andriod 2.3) and activated the application locking for the “Settings” of the smartphone to prevent changes in WiFi access (note: this mobile currently does not have any 2G/3G data services enabled. Wifi and voice services only). I use a PIN to lock applications, but this does not work - GooglePlay (in this case) and System Settings are still accessible and not locked. I tested this feature with a different Smartphone and there it works.
Q: do you know if there is an issue with AMS application locking on the Samsung Galaxy Young and how to resolve it?
Thank you so much for any advice, Michael
I just started noticing a problem on my HTC One M7. When I try to access a secured application, I enter my avast PIN, but then within a few seconds it is requiring me to enter the code again. I am not leaving the application, but simply scrolling through the pages of the app. I have had to leave my applications unlocked because I could no longer work effectively. I have the latest version of avast and Android available.
are there by chance any news how to solve this problem? I just experience the same problems, i.e. AMS randomly asks me to re-enter the PIN. This is really a nuisance and prevents me to work efficiently.
I am experiencing the same problem, with AMS constantly re-prompting for my PIN while I’m accessing a locked application. Has anyone come across a solution? It sounds like the best solution is simply to stop using the “application locking” feature. In that case, has anyone considered simply uninstalling Avast Mobile Security altogether? I don’t notice it doing much on my phone (except constantly telling me that my definitions are out of date, but then when I go into AMS and look at updates, it says that my definitions were updated 8 minutes ago).
Same problem here, when we hold the app icon in the drawer, android show the option to remove or cancel in the top of the screen, selecting remove, it doesnt ask PIN. The same happens with other app locks that I`ve tested.