App name changed and hidden but still get notifications in drop down

I am rooted and changed the anti-theft app name to hide it.

I have a Galaxy S3 running (more or less stock) Android 4.0.4 (bloatware removed except i had to use Titanium Backup to remove Smart Device Manager which conflicts with anti-theft’s SMS)

so Anti-theft is hidden unless I go online and to launch it.

But I was getting notifications that Avast was protecting me in the notifications drop down. It doesn’t even use the new name of the program that I gave it. It says Avaast. it could at least just say “NEWAPPNAME is running.”

I went to settings and disabled this (although it warned me not to do it as the program will not then tell me about problems it finds). Havign this appear in the drop down seems to defeat the purpose of hiding the name of the program.

Is there a way to only get notifications of problems the program has found (like a virus) without constantly telling me (and anyone else) that it’s installed and working?


the notification you get is from avast! Mobile Security which is a different app than avast! Anti-Theft. If you want 100% safety without any limits, you can uninstall avast! Mobile Security, Anti-Theft will remain on your device and will keep protecting you.
