Apple tells Windows iTunes users not to install Vista
Apple has been warning Windows users of iTunes to wait until the next upgrade before installing Microsoft’s new Vista Operating System. Apple has come across a number of compatibility issues that may cause issues between the iTunes player, iPod, and Vista. Problems that might occur include not being able to play music or videos purchased from the iTunes store, issues with syncing content and calendars, and sluggish runtimes.
Geesh! This makes me want to run out and grab Vista. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited that Microsoft launched Vista after all these years, but we all knew there would be issues.

Apple has said that it might not affect all Windows users, but there are some serious concerns that it is not going to recommend the install. Look out for a new iTunes update though. Apple is planning to release a version that will correct any compatibility issues.

Below is Apple’s iTunes, version 7.0.2 and earlier, on Vista compatibility issue list:

iTunes Store purchases may not play when upgrading to Windows Vista from Windows 2000 or XP.
iPod models with the “Enable Disk Use” option turned off may be unable to update or restore iPod software, and make changes to iPod settings.
iPod models configured to Auto Sync and have the “Enable Disk Use” option turned off may require being ejected and reconnected to resync.
Ejecting an iPod from the Windows System Tray using the “Safely Remove Hardware” feature may corrupt your iPod. To always safely eject an iPod, choose Eject iPod from the Controls menu within iTunes.
Cover Flow animation may be slower than expected.
Contacts and calendars will not sync with iPod.
Apple has come up with a list or steps for Windows iTunes users to do that are still planning on upgrading to Vista

I have warned about this for weeks :wink:

thanks mac 8)
email me…lost yours :o
and need some mac(computer info)from you :wink:
have you heard if and when avast will ever be on an apple ::slight_smile:
have the best of both computer words…a windows and a apple computer :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s a better slogan for Vista?
Show us your wallet!
Wow! Show us your hardware upgrade!
When you get the bill from IT, you’ll say it.
Vista: It’s pre-installed on the new PC you’re buying.
Not quite Leopard, but give us a few years.
It’s been over five years now, we need to sell you an OS!

Avast for mac is still in development although I have one of the beta versions, so trust me Alwil is working on it :wink:

Vista users can download the Vista repair tool to help correct some issues with iTUnes under vista: