Apple TV hacked

Apple TV hacked. Already
The first day after Apple TV began shipping, a bunch of sharp-as-a-tack coder types hacked Apple’s new set top box to shreds. Apple blogger Jason D. O’Grady reports on the various options available to non-Apple TV owners.

That was fast. It will be interesting to see what Apple will do now.

Apple will most likely not change the design of the system, rather everyone who has opened their AppleTV has voided their Warrenty

Tired of this Anti-Apple environment
Mac, This isn't mean to be anti anything. Just passing along information. :)

That would be my guess on how they’ll handle it too.

That sounds like it would be the best way to go.

If you want to upgrade (hack) your appleTV here is a good article from macworld for you

just remember we are not sure yet if this voids your warranty (although it most likely does)

step-by-step instructions on how to void your warrenty (upgrade the HD)