I am seeing an Application Event Log error once every hour that appears to associated with an Avast .dll file as follows:
Source: Microsoft ISA Server Control
Event ID: 14146
Description: ISA Server failed to load Web Filter DLL C:\Program Files\Microsoft ISA Server\avpxyftr.dll.
Please provide some guidance in the cause and resolution to eliminating this error.
So this started to happen just like that? With no obvious reason / update / config change etc.?
Also, do you have the program called Depends.exe? http://www.dependencywalker.com/
It would be useful to check if it is reporting any problems when run on the file “C:\Program Files\Microsoft ISA Server\avpxyftr.dll”.
I am alredy seeing multiple event log ID 26195 entires with a message of “Avast proxy filter: preprocessing request headers.”
They are occuring in groups of three, with a frequency of four or five times a minute.
Well that would indicate that the filter is in fact loaded…!
What does the avast MS/Proxy provider say as status: “Active” or “Waiting for a subsystem to start”?
Over the past several hours the Antivirus event log has been filling with Information type events with ID #'s of 26128, 26135, 26195, 26196, and 26197. There have been no error messages and the Application event log is still showing the same ISA server error event about ever hour.
I would like to reset the Avast! logging level for the Proxy Server back to a lower setting if that is OK with you.
That is perfectly OK, but is very misleading…
All this means that the filter is loaded (and probably functioning) and yet, ISA thinks something’s wrong.
One more thing to try: check if there are not duplicate registerings for the filter. MS ISA console → Web filters.