Archive and Png Files (Solved) Full Scan

Did a quick scan yesterday evening and another one this morning and when the scan was finished it showed that the files in my subject line could not be scanned because they’re password protected. Sorry I still can’t do a screenshot but Could someone please explain to me what this means? All scans prior to Nov. 5 didn’t show that.

Should I do a repair?

All replies would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Ran a full scan last evening and results showed some files could not be scanned…Archive Files password protected. Now I don’t remember how I deleted the temporary files.

Could someone please tell me where to find them?

Thanks in advance.

Why do you think avast is not protecting your system?

Did it look similar to the images here? →

Please read the explanation by Pondus.

Yes, it looks like those images. Why would it not have shown the same prior to Nov. 5?

Hard to say since you haven’t provided any information regarding the file name and path.

Have you recently changed any of the quickscan settings?

Clear out your temp files and scan again.

I haven’t changed any of the settings but will delete the temp files and run another scan.


Go to your very first post in this thread and add b[/b] to the end of the title.