I’ve been unable to find much documentation on if Host based games are a risk or not. What I mean is in games like Payday 2 and Warframe which use Host based online rather than dedicated servers is the Host at risk of being hit with a virus or anything else while running the game and allowing people to join or vice-verse. In Payday 2 I’ve seen multiple hackers running around with cheats on and I’m somewhat worried that that is not all they can do.
There is always a risk.
You can check the website(s) using virustotal.
virustotal also gives links to “sucuri sitecheck” and “quttera”.
virustotal allows a user to test either a file or a url https://www.virustotal.com/en/#url
You can also test a url at http://zulu.zscaler.com/
This isn’t about URL’s it’s about game lobby’s and servers. If a game doesn’t have a dedicated server then a user has to create one thus he is the Host. While these servers are only up for a short time they give any person a connection to your computer in a sense. What I’m worried about is when someone connects to me or when I connect to someone do I suddenly become at risk? So far from what I’ve seen the hackers can only manipulate the server on their end EX. Unlimited life, Ammo and other such things other people in the sever aren’t given these powers. But I’ve also seen them spawn in things meaning they can mess with the server. This is where my worry comes in. I’m worried that they might be able to send something to my computer while they are connected or that the host will be able to infect whoever joins.
Hackers have the know-how to infect servers with all kinds of malware.
An example would be a “backdoor trojan”, along with other sundry malware/spyware.
So, yes there is always a risk.