I have a number of Scheduled Scans set up, but I find they’re running at an inconvenient time – is it possible to reschedule or edit them in other ways, or must I delete them and start over?
I’m running Avast v. 13.4 on an iMac under MacOS X El Capitan v. 10.11.6
Okay, in the Scan Pane, I see a list of my Scheduled scans at the bottom of the pane.
If I click, right-click, double-click on any of them, nothing happens.
If I click the grey Schedule button further up the pane it asks me to set up a NEW scan, and
If I click the green(?) Settings text beneath the button it asks me to select the general parameters (eg Scan all Time Machine backups, Scan archives etc).
I’m obviously doing something wrong, but I don’t know what…