Are there a difference between a malware and a virus?

I’ve seen while searching for antispyware and even some are also antimalware!

Malware is a software such as viruses and trojans designed to damage or to cause disruption to a system^^

On the other hand, a virus is a computer program that is part of another and inserts copies of itself, often damaging the integrity of stored data.
It travels with the program that contains it.


That means malware is all viruses,spyware,adware and keyloggers isn’t it?

Malware= malicious software^^

Well u can say that^^

Note: Not all adwares are malicious^^


That means malware is all viruses,spyware,adware and keyloggers isn't it?


“Mal” = malfunction/malicious
“Ware” = software

malfunctionware / maliciousware = any software that cause improper functioning of softwares & designed for malicious intents.

To +AdDicT+,

You’re really fast :slight_smile:

little is available from this site… enough for novice.

1st off…Who invented malwares?

For what reason?


@ addict

i found this:


also this:

b First Apple Virus:[/b]

Elk Cloner

b First Windows Virus:[/b]


Wow thanks for the info…

I wonder if the makers of the malware were happy with the results they made^^
