Are there any known malware that can hide inside keyboard apart from BadUSB?

I might have had a malware in old pc, and then i got new pc and plugged the old ps/2 keyboard used in old pc, to the new pc. Could my new pc be infected via keyboard?

BadUSB viruses reprogram the firmware of the usb controller of usb devices, and I see that this steelseries 7g keyboard also has some kind of micro processors, and usb controller because it also has usb plug even though the keyboard itself operates on ps/2 plug in. BadUSB works in a way, that it has added firmware in the micro controller that gives device keyboard functionality and then automatically for an example opens command line and writes commands to connect to malicious ip to download the actual spyware.

Steelseries 7g has 2 usb ports on keyboard, and microphone and headphone jack plug ins, so there is technically plenty of things to work with if someone wanted to put malicious code inside of the device.

Scan images for malcode and be suspicious of photo’s for instance,
where you do not know the source of, and that can/may fiddle maliciously with your firmware.

Hence as extra protection I have Metadefender scan all my downloads before actual download.


This didnt answer the question.

It doesn’t matter if a device has microprocessors or not.
Everything that has software (can be programmed) can get infected.

If you can plug-in a USB stick in the keyboard and you can read the data, a system can get infected if there is malware on the stick.
That is why we recommend to have McShield installed.

In the two(?) years the BadUSB vulnerability is known, I’ve never seen a infected device nor heard form someone that he got one.
And I’ve seen many USB devices and I do not mean 50 or 100, but 1000’s.

It is very more likely that a system get infected through other types of malware than BadUSB.

But is there any such known malware where pc could get infected from infected ps/2 keyboard?

Any device that has software and is capable of transferring data can infect another device.

Nothing found with google search

So I made a mistake by using the old keyboard on new pc.

If you want a expert to check, follow instructions >>

Why would it be a mistake ?
If the keyboard is working, use it.

But it was used on pc that might have been infected, so if the keyboard was infected by something then new pc is now also infected.

If the keyboard really was infected (chance to that is almost 0%), you already would have noticed it.
It is about the same chance that if you cough while being at the South pole you infect someone on the North pole.

Are you sure I would have noticed? Some malware can hide pretty well.


Malware can hide, but something has to initiate it and that activity should draw some attention. Most malware is going to be trying to connect to the internet, either to pass on data or download more malware, again this draws attention to it. Both of which may be detected.

I would suggest that you visit the Steelseries forum and see if there is anything there or ask.

Many peripherals have USB ports, my Monitor has Two, but I’m not concerned that it is a likely target for malware/exploit.

When windows 10 installation was ready, and I had been on desktop for a while already, it popped up “installing device” window with loading bar, didnt say anything about what device or what drivers. Could it be that possible keyboard malware downloaded and installed some malicious files?

Malware install quietly, it does notify its install

anyway if conserned see reply #8

The problem with this is, that noticing such activity as malicious would require lots of knowledge. And I am not at all knowledgeable about these things, so how am I supposed to notice malware?

It is your AV that would be attracted to the activity.

I really do think that this topic has run its course as the likelihood of this happening is as has been said very remote. You probably have more chance of a hit on the lottery.

As I continue to say - I would suggest that you visit the Steelseries site/forum and see if there is anything there about this or ask. - they after all are the experts on the capability/vulnerability of their products.