I ran Trend Micro HouseCall to scan my computer recently. After finishing the task,
I went to my Windows folder and disocvered a lot of new files there. I was surprised that most of the new files belonged to Trend Micro HouseCall!!! I manually deleted them one by one and left a few behind.
Are those files belonging to Trend Micro HouseCall? If not, what are they? I am
very scared because they are suspicious to me.
Is there any way to uninstall all the files left by Trend Micro HouseCall? I just deleted all the .dll files according to their files description. There may be some files
stored in other type like .exe or .txt
Google for the files and you will find out if they belong to Housecall or not.
You gave me a idea! A little util that removes the things online scanners install.
I could easily write one if I know the files/registry entries (if any) that they place on someones system.
So everyone who reads this, pleas send me info on the files etc the online scanners install and I will write a removal util for it. Please send the info in a pvt.
Trying to help Eddy just went to panda and webshield went ballistic, I forget that they don’t encrypt their files. I’ll try housecall later and get the info for you.
So everyone who reads this, pleas send me info on the files etc the online scanners install and I will write a removal util for it. Please send the info in a pvt.
Sorry Eddy don’t understand. I have the files how do you want them sent