Are those Trend Micro HouseCall files?

I ran Trend Micro HouseCall to scan my computer recently. After finishing the task,
I went to my Windows folder and disocvered a lot of new files there. I was surprised that most of the new files belonged to Trend Micro HouseCall!!! I manually deleted them one by one and left a few behind.





Are those files belonging to Trend Micro HouseCall? If not, what are they? I am
very scared because they are suspicious to me.

Is there any way to uninstall all the files left by Trend Micro HouseCall? I just deleted all the .dll files according to their files description. There may be some files
stored in other type like .exe or .txt :frowning:

I would appreciate it if someone can help me.

Google for the files and you will find out if they belong to Housecall or not.

You gave me a idea! A little util that removes the things online scanners install.
I could easily write one if I know the files/registry entries (if any) that they place on someones system.

So everyone who reads this, pleas send me info on the files etc the online scanners install and I will write a removal util for it. Please send the info in a pvt.

Trying to help Eddy just went to panda and webshield went ballistic, I forget that they don’t encrypt their files. I’ll try housecall later and get the info for you.

I googled for the files before submitting this post…

So everyone who reads this, pleas send me info on the files etc the online scanners install and I will write a removal util for it. Please send the info in a pvt.

Sorry Eddy don’t understand. I have the files how do you want them sent