Are we protected against the latest MSIE 0-day exploits?


Since MS till now didn’t release any updates for the latest exploits my question is:

As of which VPS are we protected by Avast against the latest 2 MSIE 0-day exploits?

MSIE VML exploit:

MSIE DirectAnimation ActiveX exploit:

I am aware of the current workarounds (Firefox, kill bit Daxctle.ocx and un-register vgx.dll).

Happy surfing :wink:

This is one instance where Microsoft AV beat the competition to add protection from this exploit.

Is this going to be a major selling point of Microsoft security products, I wonder? ‘Trust us to protect you from Windows exploits’. ;D

It’s a shame MS can’t be so quick on their toes to close the vulnerability as they are to add a means to catch the exploit. Any bets on if MS will issue a security update before the next patch Tuesday or even if they will have a patch by the next patch Tuesday ;D

As far as I aware avast doesn’t detect this it was however, fairly quick on the WMF vulnerability, so fingers crossed. Taking the preventative action is a wise move as is using a browser that doesn’t have activeX (firefox, Opera).

Sans changed their InfoCon level to yellow!


- ‘The VML exploit is now becoming more widespread, so we changed the InfoCon level to yellow to emphasize the need to consider fixes.’

- ‘Outlook (including outlook 2003) is - as expected - also vulnerable and the email vector is being reported as exploited in the wild as well.’

- ‘Update your antivirus software, make sure your vendor has protection for it .’

So I hope the Avast team will response accurately.

Happy hunting. ;D