Are your ports secure. Test!

Hello you users of software firewalls,

Are your ports secure, try the test for some main services here, and see if you have all green, all secure:

I had an all green,


There is also lots of tests on my Security-Ops webpage. GRC is one of the most famous tests around.

I had ALL 9 Green port results from this test using Comodo F.W.

I’ve been using a free trial of the tiny pf 6.5.126 for a couple of weeks now and did a shields up test today (without the router). Of 26 ports tested ,2 were stealth,1 was open,23 were closed.I would have bet tiny to be better than that with default settings. :-\

Also this one at dslreports is very reliable:

Hi Sasza,

No response to probes. All green.

polonus, good applet driven test,


All green here too… :slight_smile:

Reinstalled comodo,all secure. :slight_smile:

All green here using Trend Micro

okay ;D

i had a lot of brown ones

and actually brings me to the reason i have ended up on these security sites.
Its called “ipseccmd.exe”…
So has anyone got any good dos tutorilal links or can point me towards some good dos stuff.
This is just an interest of mine and im hoping to gain a little more knowledge about the computer.
i have Kerio 4 ,but cannot see any port options,however i am more intersted in dos ,just for the knowledge,


Test complete.

No open ports were found

:wink: ;D 8)

Hi Squidhead,

Just go to your local computer dealer and ask for a MS Dos 5.0 user guide. There are also old MS 3.3. versions for Atari around. In the old days these guides came free with new computers,
maybe the man (the lady) still has some stashed away in the archives. MS Dos is still hanging under Windows (but independantly), but it is a restricted version, because some of the functionality was not considered to be beneficial to end-users (M$ thought why you would need it?!).
And indeed for AV solution, non documented functions are really what it says- non-documented, and you should know what you are doing there (look at my thread on Boot-com viruses, look here;



ill check it out :slight_smile:

all green… ;D