
My ARES Galxay P2p doesn´t connect since i put the Avast 4.6 personal edition antivirus, can you told me the possible configuration, to make it work. Thaks

avast! is not a firewall, avast! is an antivirus. It can not block your P2P connection. Possible cause you have to search in your firewall, or your hardware router/firewall configuration.

Also, make sure you gave permissions to all avast! files in your firewall.


Try the following:

Right click on the Avast! icon in the taskbar (bottom right)
Click on “On-Access Protection and Control”
Click Details…>>
Find in the list P2P shield and click on it.
Click customize, and in the list find Ares and uncheck it.

See if Ares works.

Yes you can try what Staind sugessted, but then again, what’s the point of having avast! antivirus installed with disabled P2P shield for your P2P application ? Equal to none… Besides, I believe P2P shield for Ares is not there to “block” its ports, it’s an antivirus protection for incomming files.

Exactly! What the P2P shield does is SCAN the files Ares is downloading it DOES NOT block your ports.You should check the settings in your FIREWALL(if you have a router with built in firewall check there too) to see if you have the ports allowed for ARES.You could TEMPORARILY disable the p2p shield to see if it is really the one blocking Ares but i really don’t see how…

The only way I can see that the P2P Shield could be indicated is that if the P2P Shield is not allowed access through the firewall … in which case, it is really the firewall doing the blocking and not the P2P Shield. :slight_smile:

Did I say that correctly? ???

I hope this helps you. :slight_smile:

We do not know the exact configuration of his system, it could be any number of things. Since he had just installed Avast!, the first step is to rule out whether or not Avast! could be the problem - I think this is a good first step.

If disabling it works, then just leave it disabled. The on-access scanner will still scan files that are downloaded, so it does not really matter.

Or he could just try installing the latest Ares version from sourceforge. It was updated few days ago and I have understood that with Ares latest versions usually fix some connection issues.