As a rule computers are infected with three types of malware....

Hi malware fighters,

As a rule an infected Windows computer has been infected with three different types of malware, a research of half a million PC’s has shown. AV-vendor ESET did a survey of what their av-scanner found. That computers have malware of various malware families is because of a “pay per install” infection. The malware found cannot be spread on its own, but is being generated by malware that has previously been placed on the infected machine for example fake av-scanners that infect a PC through botherders’ exploits.

Another find by ESET was that the average computer had 13 malicious files:
But is some cases like of WMA/TrojanDownloader.GetCodec, all media files are being infected, which could mean a gigantic amount of infected files (as also is the case with file infectors). On a daily basis 3,3% of all computers is under threat of downloading a malicious file, receiving a suspicious electronic mail or a networm attack,


When they start coming out with figures for the ‘average’ computer has XX malicious files, I just think of one thing, Marketing.

Give the average user a headache and sell them an aspirin.

So what is an average computer or user for that matter. When it comes to this type of c**p, lies, damn lies and statistics. One single infection can result in multiple infections so a computer with 1000 infected items, skews any average and all the figure does is make a user think that they may have 13 malicious files on their system.

This is not much better than some of the rogueware methods.

Hi DavidR,

You might be quite right here. I just passed this as I found it. The only issue that I could agree with here is the “pay per computer infected” issue because the days of the happy malcoder that wanted to impress his girlfriend with his malcreation(s) is well over, cybercrime is at it now paying 10 cents per infected machine, and thriving well.
That malware redirects will invite some of their unwanted malicious friends is also a known fact, so nothing out of the obvious here as one would make any AV-TedSell message. Bottomline keep fully upgraded, updated and patched, use less rights online and use appropriate in-browser protection and then know the above message was not meant for you, especially as we use avast av,


Makes me think of politicians. :smiley:

How Can You Tell When a Politician is Lying?
Check to see if the lips are moving.

So what is an average computer or user for that matter. When it comes to this type of c**p, lies, damn lies and statistics. One single infection can result in multiple infections so a computer with 1000 infected items, skews any average and all the figure does is make a user think that they may have 13 malicious files on their system.

This is not much better than some of the rogueware methods.

They take adavantage of the prolific inhabitants on the Internet:

@ DavidR

Agree except for one thing - for many people, if they had settled for or stuck with aspirin (aspro), they may have been a lot better off. A least destructive remedy.