As usual SE visitors redirects not detected by VT scan.

What is out there:
Suspicious domain detected. Details:
Location: htxp://
Nothing here:

Joomla third party cold reconnaissance scan: Joomla version outdated: Upgrade required.
Outdated Joomla Found: Joomla under 2.5.26 or 3.3.5
Joomla Modules, Components and Plugins
The following modules were detected from the HTML source of the Joomla front page.
No modules were found passively in HTML source
The following components were detected from the HTML source of the Joomla front page.
The following plugins were detected from the HTML source of the Joomla front page.
Adding Modules, Components and Plugins to a Joomla site expands your attack surface. These addons are a source of many security vulnerabilities, it is important to always keep them updated to the latest version available and check the developers plugin page for information about security related updates and fixes. Using the Joomscan scanner you are able to test more aggressively for plugins and modules installed within a Joomla installation.
jquery-126.js exploitable with Styx Exploit Kit. Network-trojan Snort IDS alerts?

Included scripts Check vulnerable - suspicious: Suspect - please check list for unknown includes

Suspicious Script:
document.createelement(‘iframe’);$(this.iframe).attr({id:‘jcepopup-iframe’,frameborder:0,onload:function(){return t._setup()}}).css({width:t -xompare with >
Vulnerable to cross-site request forgery →

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)