ashDisp.exe Problem

When I attempt to shut down (Window XP Pro), I get “End Program - ashDisp.exe” window, indicating the program is not responding. This just cropped up recently and am not sure what’s causing it. Any thoughts / cures? Other than this minor problem, it seems to be a great product. Any help appreciated.

Did you try the ‘Repair’ function (Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast > Change > choose the Repair option when a window pop-up)?

If this do not work, try uninstalling/boot/installing/boot…?
Did you change your shutdown properties in Windows XP?


This is usually caused by a corrupted file association.

Technical’s recommendation is what I would also recommend.

If not successful, then try the other steps Technical stated.

I would also perform a DiskScan and Defrag just in case the error is created in the bootup sector. Sounds like I am putting the cart before the horse…You say “but it is not booting up but shutting down!”
Not true. A corruption in the boot area of the disk can have an effect on the shutdown order of the open processes.

Simply put, the “shutdown” command for Avast gets lost.

It is not that difficult to isolate and repair.


Okay - thanks. I was not aware of the repair option, so I gave that a shot, but that didn’t seem to do the trick. I also did a defrag - no luck. So I will try the uninstall / reinstall. Hopefully, that will do it. Thanks again for the advice.


Ok. Try what we suggested.

We’ll keep at it until we get it fixed for you.


Unfortunately, I am still experiencing this problem whereby a program called ashDisp.exe does not “end program” as I “shut down” my machine. I’ve tried each of the recommended solutions (repair, defrag, reinstall). Any other thoughts - Techie 101 or Technical? I really appreciate the past efforts!