I updated Avast using the Green notification and restarted my computer (Vista). Upon restart, I was asked by Vista to allow permission for ashdisp.eve to run? When I allowed permission, the Avast Icon was not in my taskbar however I in taskmanger the Avast was running.
Wondering if the program was working correctly, I went to the start menu and launched Avast, and while Avast was loading Vista notifies me the splash screen has crashed and closes.
I then uninstalled Avast, restarted my computer, ran CCleaner (Including the Registry Cleaner) and rebooted again.
I downloaded the latest version of Avast from Download Link at Avast’s website and installed with default setting. Upon reboot, I have the exact same issues mentioned above.
From yesterday until today, the only thing that changed was the updated from Microsoft. So thinking that could possibly be the issue, I did a system restore just prior to the updates and performed the same steps above. Unfortunately upon restart I have the same issues mentioned above.
(Please note, my wifes computer updated without these issues.)
Until today, I have never experienced any issues like this with Avast. Currently I have Avast uninstalled, installed AVG and running a scan of my computer while awaiting advise from this forum.
Any ideas or steps I can try to resolve this? I prefer Avast over AVG and would like to run Avast without rebuilding my computer.
I suggest a re-install from scratch. You should probably update Windows first. Avast (any security software, really) is best installed using an admin account. I’m not a native Vista speaker, but I believe that the UAC is sometimes best turned off during the install. Or at least “OK’d” though.
-Download a fresh Avast install (full install file -direct download link) here.
-Download the Avast uninstall utility.
-Download the appropriate tool from here (normally the first or second download) to help remove AVG.
-Disconnect from the net.
-Run the Avast uninstall utility.
-Remove AVG via the control panel, using the programs own uninstaller.
-Run the AVG removal tool. Reboot.
-Install Avast. Reboot when prompted. You may wish to skip the boot scan part of the install routine…it’s possible however that the problem is malware related, so I’d be inclined to let it boot scan. Allow a few hours.
Reconnect to the net. Get Avast updates. Hopefully all will be happy.
Thank you for your response. Here is what I did based on your recomendation:
Followed your process, however, instead of using my domain (yes I run my own domain) account I logged in as local administrator and disabled UAC. After reboot I had the same issue as mentioned below.
I uninstalled Avast using the program you linked to, and rebooted.
I had remembered I manually changed my local host file to include the following:
I actually doubt it was anything removed from the hosts file that brought about the change, I think it was more the full uninstall procedure that did it.
All those hosts file entries look totally expendable (read= unwanted/unneeded) to me. I’d re-enter them.
Maybe someone else will know better.