ashdisp strange

after the program update i notice that in the startup there is ashdisp!
i use avast on w98se

in the last version there is not in the startup sequence

if i use taskinfo i don’t see a ashdisp process

You’re kiddin’ me - is that really so?
ashDisp.exe is in the startup list under Win9x?

That would be wrong, indeed (but shouldn’t hurt).

mantra, my Win98SE does not have the ashDisp.exe in the startup…
I think Vlk is correct… What’s happening with you avast! installation?

I am also running Win 98 SE and my startup does not have ashdisp.exe either :slight_smile:

I’m running 98SE and I have both ashDisp.exe and ashserv.exe in startup. I’m confused, should I disable ashDisp from startup?

I don’t know why Mantra and I have the same problems, we must both have the same strange generic system. I’m still not clear on how to uninstall the providers without being told 278 is available and having the providers reinstalled either, you’ve had any luck Mantra?

"You’re kiddin’ me - is that really so?
ashDisp.exe is in the startup list under Win9x?

That would be wrong, indeed (but shouldn’t hurt)."

yes in my start up sequence there is it!

I’m using Me and also have it at startup.

I removed it from startup group with no ill effects. Avast is still working great!

Yes, that doesn’t surprise me. ashDisp.exe is completely redundant under Win9x…

Vlk, I have Win98Se and I also have it in the startup list ??? ???
I noticed that it was added to the startup list by the current build 4.1.280 but not sure if it was added by the previous build 4.1.278 ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: