ashServ CPU 99%

Dear avast user and support,

I’m work in Windows XP Home with intel pentium 4.
My soft security config is Comodo Firewall and Avast antivirus.

Since 2 week I frequensly attack “LSASS Exploit(SXP)” blocked by avast
“Thank you Avast” :smiley:

But, today I constated, even if I’m disconnect web, “ashServ.exe” that use 99% of CPU thus unusable.

Please Help me
Thank You for your help

Which version of Comodo are you using?
This is a known issue… This is a Comodo bug reported before.

Please, take the last Comodo beta version (

Thank you for your response.

I’m not at home but a think I have the last version of comodo firewall “Version 2.3.6”.

The bug is there… you need the beta. They’re (the betas) are stable, you can use them :wink:

Ludvax, does the blue icon in the tray area spin? Does the number of scanned files and the name of last scanned files change (on the Standard Shield configuration page?)