ashServ.exe and iTunes

Since updating avast! to version 4.6 Home Edition I’ve experienced problems with iTunes (Apples software for iPod). When playing music within iTunes on the computer, approximately 10 - 15 seconds into every song it hangs up (pauses) for a few seconds before continuing. The song will then finish uninterrupted and the process starts over with the next song.

In the Windows Task Manager I noticed that the CPU usage is spiking (+90% each) for both iTunes and ashServ.exe during the pausing.

If I shut down ashServ.exe within the Task Manager iTunes will work properly but then I can’t restart Avast. If I choose to stop avast! On-Access Protection everything works fine. It just leaves me unprotected and I have to remember to restart avast.

I’ve tried doing exclusions in the program settings of avast but haven’t had any luck. I’ve excluded all iTunes and iPod files, as well as the folders where the music is downloaded.

Any help would be appreciated.


Did you try searching the board for itunes?
There are other threads that could help you manage this.
Where is your avast version? 4.6.739?
Which is your firewall? Did you have problems before updating avast?

Do you have many podcasts updating while your playing the music?

And what are the specs on your computer?

avast version 4.6.739.
No problems with iTunes or Avast prior to updating.
No podcast at all. Only happens with music I have imported (imported this week or last month, no difference).
Happens when firewall (Zone Alarm) is on and off.

I found a thread that said to increase the size of the buffer. I increased the streaming buffer size to large but the problem continues. I looked in help and couldn’t find another buffer listing.

How large is your library?

Maybe you should contact Apple about this…