I have tried to apply the solution that Tech provide but I have noted that to click on the VRDB icon don’t run. Nothing happends.
Then, I have disabled the VRDB generation and I’ll wait for 2 or 3 days and see if my computer freeze again.
Please note I got this problem since the last program update.
I use win xp 2 last updates.
Avant Browser
Dell Inspiron 9300
The command-line version http://public.avast.com/~vlk/userdump.exe . The syntax is userdump.exe ashServ.exe c:\ashServ.dmp
(producing dump file in the root of C:\ drive) but I guess you have to be quick!
Also, check the folder \data\log
Are there any files called unpXXXX there (where XXXX is a random number)?
If so, send them to vlk (at) avast.com
They may contain more information about the problem (maybe a link to this thread).
After 3 attempts I did not succeed doing the dump. ???
Every time, the PC seemed frozen. The time the most during which I awaited was 20 minutes without any reaction from the computer. I have had to reload the PC.
To do the dump I put the soft in the c: main folder and I did “execute” since the sart menu.
algasys, have you set the sensitivity of the avast on-access scanner to High?
If so, can you try to put it to Normal and see if that resolves the issue (CPU hogging)?
There is no effect in setting these to High (see below), as there is only one scanning level, the provider windows look the same, I think for aesthetic reasons.
Network shield
With the other setting set to High you have to accept that you are going to have more files scanned. This is especially true of the Standard Shield as it is effectively going to scan everything including files that are of nor risk of infection.
The normal setting for the standard shield provides a good balance between protection and performance. I have had mine set to that for just under 4 years.
I would leave the Web Shield and Internet Mail on High, they too are my settings.
I was talking specifically about the Standard Shield.
There is a BIG diference between the Normal and High senstivity in case of this provider. Setting the sensitivity to High basically means that each and every file will be rescanned as soon as it’s changed.
This can have a big performance impact, especially in certain scenarios.
Again, please try setting it to Normal and see if it makes any difference.
Well! In fact, while putting the “standard shield” on normal, there is an improvement: “ashserv.exe” does not put itself more in run also often and takes less time to be executed.