I have Win98 and installed Home Edition Avast 4. Resident checking works fine. But I have a problem with Ashsimpl.exe causing invalid page fault when I try to open Scanner. If I leave the Error Dialog shown, I can still use Avast without crashing but closing the Error Dialog kill Avast.
This also happens after scanning Hard Drive, but does not occur after scanning Floppies :
If I don’t get the Error Dialog when I start the scanner, I will get it if I scan a Hard Disk - so sometimes it starts O.K. (no error) but always shows after scanning (successfully) a Hard Disk.
Any thoughts and help appreciated
Here’s the Error:
ASHSIMPL caused an invalid page fault in
module at 0000:1b10ec7d.
EAX=0283ff88 CS=0167 EIP=1b10ec7d EFLGS=00010246
EBX=0283ff88 SS=016f ESP=02740104 EBP=02740124
ECX=027401a8 DS=016f ESI=81762038 FS=5267
EDX=bff76859 ES=016f EDI=027401d0 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
Thank you very much, Vlk, for your fast response (only about 1 hour - excellent!). I tried your “trick” and it stops Ashsimpl from Invalid Page Faulting - BRILLIANT 8)
Unfortunately the “trick” stops Avast from scanning “Selected Folders”. By that I mean that Avast always scans my Hard Drive beginning at the C: drive and continuing to my last partition (G: drive).
However, I will continue to fiddle with it because your “trick” made such an impact. I will try and find out what ODBC has to do with the problem (it is early morning here and I am zonked ;D )
I also tried to narrow down the fault a bit - test results are below. I will narrow it down to be more specific (exe, dll, txt, etc.) - later