
Can anyone let me in as to what is ashwebsv.exe for?
(I realize it is something to do with the web shield ,but can you be a little more detailed?)
Thanking in advance

Well if you are talking about ashWebSv.exe, it is the avast Web Shield provider that scans Internet Port 80 HTTP traffic.

It uses a localhost proxy where files are scanned before they are saved to your browser cache (temp internet files, etc.) any infected files can then be intercepted and stopped from getting on to your system.

I suggest a browse of the avast Help file, Resident Protection, Web Shield, etc. see image extract of help file.

Thank you for your reply. I still do not understand how this exe file gets to 60 MB !!! by task manager under processes in the k column ,for quite a long time, then it goes back to 12-15 MB.
I posted a similar question in another thread in this forum but the answers still left me puzzled. I`m emphasizing the fact that I was not doing anything special (surfing only)while under this consumption.
Thanks and regards

Because it uses RAM to scan the http traffic that is being downloaded so you can browse, etc. RAM takes time before it is reallocated and I don’t know who is responsible for that or the time frame.

If you had a large amount of ram I would imagine that it would remain longer than for a system with little ram as it would continually be swapping stuff out to the page file, which would slow your system more than leaving data in ram.

Crow, resources are to be used… avast uses the most CPU to release the Internet traffic as soon as it can to your browser…