There should be a file called UNPxxx.mdmp (where xxx is some number) in the c:\program files\alwil software\avast4\data\log folder. Can you send me this by email?
Use the email icon (envelope) in his details displayed to the left of his post.
For the time being, I would suggest that you only send the last one or possibly two that related to the web shield problem. If lukor needs more he will most likely ask.
It’s apparently a firewall module (the xfilter.dll), either LSP or hooking of winsock. This is the way, how they got loaded into our process and there they behave incorrectly. If you’ll send me the dump file, I can have a look in which function the error occurs, but most probably I will not be able to fix it in any way (it’s inside the Winsock calls where these parasites coexist) - we can both send this incident to filseclab team, hopefully they’ll be willing to spend some time with it.
As I have expected, this seems like a reentrancy problem of their firewall module xfilter.dll. I’ve also forwarded this issue to the filseclab email. We’ll see what are their comments.
Yes, the problem has been found, we can resolve it. but, we need take some time to do because the problem is not always occurs, this is a little trouble for debug. we will resolve it as soon as possible and notify you after it resovled. thank you.
It remains to wait for the FIX.
That is, it’s nice that they admitted it’s their fault - but another question is, will they be able to (reliably) fix it? Because creating a robust LSP is sort of hell - the only LSP I know of that DOESN’T crash is the Google Desktop Search. All others (including the McAfee firewall module and Nod32’s IMON) do crash quite easily.