Asking about Graphics Card

Im really worried. Someone told me that our graphic card is not comfortable with any games.
So im asking if thats true?? I really dont know if I can play MMOPORG games. PLease tell me
if my grahpic card is compatible with MMOPORG games like Rakion. If not then should I buy a new
graphic card and Install it without detaching the old one??

MMORPG games requires not very high videocards in order to run in any computer with internet.

According to your signature, you are using an on-board graphics card that usually suck. Consider buy a new videocard that is compatible to your motherboard.

Once you have installed a new videocard, the on-board graphics card will be disabled automatically.

ok. thanks but How do i know any video card that is compatible with my mother board>>??

the MODEL of my Mother Board is P5KPL-AM EPU MOTHERBOARD (ASUS)
kindly help

Any PCI Express video card will do. Just depends on how much money you want to spend. $200 can get you a good card. EPU&os=&hashedid=CRyEN2x1AF6jYScc