Asking for reboot though box unticked


WinXP home
Zone Alarm Firewall

Great program, but persists in asking for a reboot everytime it updates (set to automatic update). I have UNchecked the “Ask for reboot when needed” box in the Update(basic)\details section of the Program Settings but this makes no difference. Any advice would be welcome, thanks.


Avast only needs to reboot if there is a program update.
What exact version do you have?

So, avast! still pops a message, asking for reboot?
Unchecking this option means “reboot automatically, don’t even ask”.

Also, you get this message even during VPS updates? (i.e. almost every day?) Only program updates should require a restart…

Operating system restart needed by avast message could be solved, in some systems, by deleting the file \setup\reboot.txt
Hope this helps in your case.

Hi again

Sorry for the slow reply.

Avast requests a reboot within minutes of going back on line after every reboot, and so on, and this reboot request pops up after EITHER (or both) VPS file or Program are updated, whether this updating is done manually or automatically. It is set (by me) to update every 24 hours.

I have to switch both VPS and Program update settings to manual in order to stop the updates, and so stop the reboot request - Just to be clear, Avast will request a reboot when only a VPS update is manually carried out too.

Avast also tells me both file and/or program are already up to date when updating, and then immediately requests the reboot of the op system anyway. When running update of both file types, it downloads 0.03 Kbytes of VPS file, and a lot more Kbytes of program.

Deleting the reboot.txt file has made no difference, and the file reappears after a reboot (0 bytes) - I assume the latter is normal anyway?

Version is Home Edition 4.6 build 4.6.691, Extreme Toolkit version, Active Skin version

VPS compilation date is 6/10/05 (todays date), and the VPs file version 0540-6

Unticking the request for reboot box makes no difference either, my Avast doesnt seem to reboot automatically (hence my confusion as to what this box actually does), it just asks me to do so with a pop up.

I have carried out a “repair” from the installation menu to no avail, and uninstalled it , reg cleaned, rebooted and reinstalled a newly downloaded Avast file from the home page, but no fix, and I have attempted to update with the firewall shut down, but no change there either.

Thanks for the assistance, if needs be Im happy to update manually for now


No, it’s not normal. This file should not exist in a normal installation, only when a reboot is needed it appears…
Maybe deleting it in Safe Mode or using MoveOnBoot application…

Really strange that a clean installation did not correct it…
But, maybe uninstalling, boot, use avast! unistall tool (, boot, install, boot.


Still getting the reboot request. Im going to play with the other behind the scenes stuff I have running, like Spybot, to see if somehow they are interferring. Thank you for the advice, the uninstal.exe works great, beyond this Im not really smart enough to figure why the program isnt registering fully that it has been updated so I cant add anything else particularly intelligent at the mo` :-\ . . . but we all knew that lol
