aswClear5 Uninstall Utility

Does this aswClear5 Uninstall Utility also uninstall avast 4.8 or just 5.0?
I’m E-mailing a friend to talk her through switching over from avast 4.8 to avast 5.0.
But, after I switched over to avast 5.0 myself, I deleted my old original Uninstall Utility for 4.8.

So, I wanted to know if my friend can uninstall her avast 4.8 with the new aswClear5 Uninstall Utility.

Yes, there is a drop-down menu to choose the version.

I have used it on both just like Tech has said

Cool! Thanks, Tech … hayc59. :slight_smile:

Maybe this can be of any help for your friend:

Greetz, Red.