I got some problems with my Avast 4.1 pro 304. I get this error message from time to time:
The procedure entry point ?log@Clog@@QAAKHKGPADQAEKZZ could not be located in the dynamic link library aswCmnB.dll.
The error message does not actually pop up when using the Avast programs, it pops up when using other systems, mainly those who uses scripts. I get script errors on webpages, I get errors when usings programs that use MS script engines such as “Administrative tools - Services” and Windows help system.
Ive tried to disable Avast, shutting down all providers, didnt work. Ive tried to uninstall Avast and it corrects the problem: Scrips on webpages works and the error message doesnt show anymore. Ive tried the “Repair” function, Ive tried downloading/reinstalling etc… The funny thing is that this error message didnt show up before I registered Avast (My trial ran out).
I got Winxp and no other AV program installed (My program worked fine until trial ran out and I payed for it ;D)
I tried uninstalling with Avasts uninstaller, and reinstall a clean 304.
I tried uninstalling with the avclear4.exe, and reinstall a clean 304.
I dont have any other antivirus programs installed, nor have I had any on this Windows install. I do however get a warning when I install Avast that Norton Antivirus is installed, but I only installed Norton Utilities without the Antivirus program. Ive tried to uninstall all my Norton products too, but no effect on my Avast error.
Im using Kerio 2.1.5 firewall.
I think the error came when I entered my serial, but I tried to install Avast in trial mode again but no effect
To my knowledge the errormessage is because of a hook and that the proc doesnt exist in the DLL, but Kubec has verified that all my files are installed correctly. If I terminate the RPC (ashServ.exe) service none of the errors occour, pages with scripts load correctly and I dont get the “Internet Explorer Script Error” all over my system anymore.
My error affects alot of components in Windows:
HTML pages with scripts (Internet Explorer only, not Opera nor Mozilla)
Outlook Express
Application Management → Services
Some games
Windows help
There is obviously something wrong with either Internet Explorer or my aswCmnB.dll (unlikely since Ive installed so many times).
Vlk, It might be a bug here… It seems imposible that an upgrade to 304 causes this kind of error… or worst, a clean 304 installation causes this error.
Sorry, stianost but I only can say you do not have aswCmnB.dll perfectly registered into your system. Maybe if you click Start/then Run & type in this:
aswCmnB.dll was loaded, but the DllRegistryServer entry point was not found. This file can not be registered.
I did found another thing that fixed my problem tho I reinstalled and didnt select the pro version to be installed. When I registered with my serial I let it install the pro version and now it works. Seems like there is some rare error in your install program or patches.
Im glad I got my Avast back to working again, its the best