Hello rpartain,
Why did you try to run aswMBR? That tool is a bit advanced and you do have nice choice of user-ready tool. E.g, Malwarebytes does have ARK module integrated. Emisoft as well. avast! and other AV does have basic needed ARK module integrated…etc.
aswMBR is an ARK scanner who’s working at the highest possible system privileges. As any other ARK tool, it has power that other tools do not have.
That power is his driver that loads into something that is called kernel space.
Now, aswMBR’s driver can sometime to load unsuccessful (it happends) into kernel space or some other driver from some other powerfull tool or program hooks asw’s driver and in that point BSOD happens. Windows OS creates minidump folder and shows BSOD with error code in attempt to prevent any future damage ot OS.
Plus, aswMBR isn’t updated for some time so …
To aswMBR alternative tool is powerfull TDSSKiller. TDSSKiller has a very wide range of RootKit, Bootkit and hardcoded malware detection. Or you can use MBAR that scans even normal malware as well as RootKit/BootKits.
For start, you can do ARK scan with TDSSKiller to eliminate malware question. Here is how to;
[*] Press Start Scan
[*] If Suspicious object is detected, the default action will be Skip, click on Continue.
[*] If Malicious objects are found, select Cure.
Once complete, a log will be produced at the root drive which is typically C:\ ,for example, C:\TDSSKiller.<version_date_time>log.txt
If BSOD repeated several times ‘without stopping’, this way we will try to check what exactly causes BSOD’s.
Download WhoCrashed from here:
This program will try to verify the analysis, which is the cause of driver error.
Note: This program requires installation.
Double-click to start the installation, and click Next .
[*] Check I accept the agreement and then the Next .
The program install to that location, and under that name by the program you offer.
[*] Click Next and in the next window, click Next
[*] Check Create a Desktop Icon and then click Next and then Install .
After you’ve installed WhoCrashed program, run it.
Note: If you get message that it look like this:
Click Download the requested file from the Microsoft site now and wait for the process to
download additional files and installation is complete.
When the program starts, click Analyze .
When scanning is done,click OK .
[*] Right-click on the area of the page with the report and select Select All, .
[*] Right-click on the area of the page with the report and select copy
[*] Open a new Notepad and select past to copy the contents of the logo in the notepad.
Now you can close the program.
Please attach here notepad with that logreport.