Aswmbr signal virus Bsod(Blue screen).

Vorrei sapere cosa posso fare, quando facendo girare il programma Aswmbr, il pc mi segnala Bsod (immagine blue screen).
A quel punto il pc si blocca poiche’ immagino che Aswmbr intercetti il virus ma, non riesca a debellarlo.
Avete gia’ riscontrato problemi simili.
Quali soluzioni avete adottato ?
Grazie a chi mi rispondera’.
I would like to know what I can do, when running the Aswmbr program, the pc tells me Bsod (blue screen image).
At that point, the PC stops because I imagine that Aswmbr intercepts the virus, but can not eradicate it.
You have already encountered similar problems.
What solutions have you adopted?
Thanks to those who will answer me.

Are you using Windows 10 ? aswMBR does not support win10 and may give bsod when run

Why are you running aswMBR, do you have a problem?

Yes, I use Windows10. I’m trying to eliminate the Bsod caused by viruses, which sent me those of telecom, through 2,000 mails of pornographic trash (damn cancheri). So I’m looking for software that can find the virus that causes Bsod and eliminate it. I scanned with various antimalware and for example, even Roguekiller, intercepts it, but can not eliminate it. I get the same result with Kaspersky’s Tdskiller scan, but when they intercept the virus, the blue screen appears and the PC turns off.
What do you recommend to solve the problem?

Start a topic in V&W and post your logs there:;board=4
Instructions (basic diagnostic logs):