aswMonVd.dll and ATI radeon 7500 AIW

Hello guys,
On installing my ATI cd AIW Radeon 7500, i have the message that i have a problem with aswMonVd.dll which is found in my avast program.To proceed with the installation, i have to close it or ignore the aswMonVd.dll.
Closing it was useless so i ignored it and the ati download was ok.What i am worried now is whether my avast program is working 100% normally since i could have changed something important.
Any advice ?
Thanks guys!

Take a look here:
Do you use Norton SystemWorks?

So, you’re not scanning the 16bits applications (DOS). You need that key for proper working of avast.
Try running pkzip.exe (for DOS) for instance…
Welcome to avast forums 8)