aswOfferTool.exe constantly crashing (Windows XP)

Just downloaded the latest Avast - version 2014.9.0.2013. Not only has the GUI completely changed (and now looks dreadful) but all the version numbers of applications have been removed from the Software Updater screen. This is a backward step surely? But worst of all I am constantly getting the error message - ‘aswOfferTool.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.’ whenever I moved to a different screen within the Avast gui. Any idea how I can revert to the previous version of Avast? This is terrible.

Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:
Try a repair:
Control Panel > add/remove > select avast! > scroll down and select repair.
Reboot your computer and let us know if that fixes your problem. :slight_smile:

Thanks Bob,

I don’t know what you mean by ‘repair’ - I dont seem to be getting that option - see screenshot.

NB The aswOfferTool.exe error is appearing constantly and driving me nuts. If I can’t fix it soon I will be un-installing Avast completely…

Hi Bob,

Found the repair option now and touch wood it seems to have worked. Still not sold on the new gui or the lack of version number on Software Updater!

Thanks for your help…


Your welcome. Something new, always takes a little time to get used to. :slight_smile: