aswRvrt.sys error, Windows 7

Dobrý den,
při spuštění PC s Win7 dojde k erroru aswRvrt.sys.
Při řešení jsem dohledal tohle vlákno a postupoval podle návodu.
Obsah FRST.txt souboru je zde Prosím o opravu nebo alespoň radu, jakým způsobem postupovat dále.
Předem moc díky

Please post here in English or find your own language section here:

OK. I’m sorry.
The old PC with Win7 Pro 64bit doesnt start because of corrupting driver \Windows\system32\drivers\aswRvrt.sys, Status 0xc0000098.
I looked up the old topic and followed the instructions.
The content of my FRST.txt file is here Please fix it or give me an advice what to do now.
THanks in advance

@svobodaem, First thing to try is Repair of Avast.
Menu>Settings>Troubleshooting [Repair App]

Which version of Avast do you have e.g. Free or Paid?

I dont understand… Windows dont even start so how I could repair Avast? Did you look at the old topic
This is exactly the same problem.
By the way I have free version if this is important.

Sorry, after I read you had created a FRST.txt file, I forgot the bit about Windows not starting.
I am sure someone else on here will be able to help further.


Can you try getting into Safe Mode with Networking (pressing F8 during boot should give you the option to boot into Safe Mode with Networking on Win7)
From Safe Mode with Networking, download and install the Uninstall Utility
Once Avast has been uninstalled, try rebooting back into normal Windows mode.

Hi there,
Not working. Unfortunately. I’m not able to boot in any safe modes.
Would be possible to repair FRST file according that old topic? This way seems to be working.

It seems that the fixlist.txt from that old topic only reset the system registry to a known good position. Applying the same method, you can just take the line from your log that starts “LastRegBack”, put it in Notepad and save it as fixlist.txt

This is the value from your log:
LastRegBack: 2020-07-25 23:52

Then you can place the file fixlist.txt to the same location as FRST
Run FRST as before and press fix
On completion try a normal boot