aswrvrt.sys "hang" Issue ?

OK…I am one of the ones hanging on for new builds to move from Avast8 to Avast9 so it becomes more stable.
…and before folks post about how many millions (“ba-ba-ba…billions”… Dr. Evil pun intended :)) of people are just fine and how the only people posting here are but mere few folks I state up front I realize it…I also realize all new software updates…especially large re-writes like 8=>9 have their growing pains.
I also know everyone’s PCs are different…blah…blah…blah. So, please dispense with the standard disclaimers. This thread is mostly an observation and does have me concerned…and hopefully Avast Team sees this as an issue and is addressing.

So, clearly Avast9 is more “intrusive” to your PC to be more “effective”. If you dismiss the “various” posts and look for most common thread/subject I see that there are more that I would expect on hangs at aswrvrt.sys. More disturbing is these hangs do not allow most folks into Safe mode…nor with a lot of help from Essexboy and other experts the disabling of Avast constructs (via FRST) and allowing for recovery. I realize that aswrvrt.sys is the “last” driver loaded but clearly something is happening where this “hang” is part of the Avast effort. So, I wanted to post this to see if there is discussion within Avast Team that there is perhaps not an “issue” but a altered way they are changing code to avoid this recurring item ?


seen the new Beta? … that has some fixes

Yup, hoping that helps a lot and waiting to see final release and how it works for folks.
No mention of the boot hang issues…eg., aswrvt.sys

To me I know there is always software “issues” but if you read the threads on aswrvt.sys many of the peoples machines are left in non-recoverable state.
Here is one I’ve been following: …tons of others just do a search and read.
If there was one or two I can dismiss this is “PC specific” or other “system” issue…but there are many-many of these posts.
It is very alarming and especially the “state” of the machines this issue leaves things in.
I wish Avast team would comment on the knowledge of this since the frequency of this issue and the impact/state of people’s PCs.

Also, while I’m sure the BETA fixes a lot of things…Avast Team sure doesn’t post many details.
I know they are trying to be “general” in their category of fixes but more details I think would help.

Some of us also do not want to install beta software on our PC’s. I am one of those. All of the problems with the newest version have me concerned too. For now I have also been staying with version 8. I have used Avast since version 4.8 I believe it was. I have always upgraded but like I said this newest version has me very concerned. Maybe once the newest version is out of beta and is working without all of these problems being reported I might try it. But my computer is just too important to me for it to be turned into a brick. I really do hope Avast gets these problems sorted out.