Aswrvrt.sys HELP! Boot-up hangs on Aswrvrt.sys Windows 7

Hi All,

I’m a newbie here. Here’s my issue:

Despite all my attempts, boot in safe mode, disable driver signature repair enforcement, repair your computer, start windows normally, setting to default the BIOS boot order, I always end up with a black screen unable to boot up to Windows. The problem is this file:

Aswrvrt.sys …on boot-up the computer hangs and hangs never getting past it.

I can’t get get my HP dm4 (windows 7 64 home premium edition) to boot up!!! How do I get past aswrvrt.sys. This file is stopping my computer from starting up! Please be specific with your instructions, I’m not computer illiterate, but I need detailed instructions.

Not usually active, however, you spammed my email -_-. 5 threads. Same posting = not needed! So, do refrain from mass posting your same thread over and over, most do not appreciate being spammed.

I need to see who is still doing what here, haven’t been active in a few months

If anyone replies I have directed them here. Your other 4, will be removed, most likely

There have been some forum issues relating to multiple posts/topics, so it may not be directly the Original Posters problem - the other duplicates have been removed.

@ cweaverrules

Go to and scroll down to the section that says:

If you cannot Boot the computer

follow instructions and attach log.


I don’t have a CD I do have a USB drive. Would you be able to get me specific instructions with a USB drive? Thank you!

I believe imgburn does not support USB or flash drive. Don’t you have a friend computer where you can burn the CD ? Otherwise you have to wait for essexboy for further instruction.

Hmmm, well I’ll see if I can borrow someone’s laptop to make the CD. I’ll check back soon.

Hi iroc9555,

I’ll have the disc burned done in 1 hour. Hopefully I’ll be able to upload the report I get from it within 2 hours. Talk soon!

Anyway the analysis of the log is done by essexboy. He has been notified of this topic, but he will be back tomorrow.

So I burned the CD and ran it. But when booting up here is the sequence of screens I get which ultimately ends bad…I don’t know why it boots up to say Windows XP, I have Windows 7 Home Premium installed on my laptop, but maybe you guys do understand.

Deleted by OP - The dragon has arrived :slight_smile:

Aswvrt is not stopping the computer loading, that is the last driver that successfully loaded

Download the following three programmes to your desktop :

  1. Rufus

For 64bit systems
2. Windows 7 64bit RC (I will PM this link)
3. Farbar Recovery Scan Tool x64

Insert the USB stick Then run Rufus

Select the ISO file on the desktop via the ISO icon.

Press Start Burn

Then copy FRST to the same USB

Insert the USB into the sick computer and start the computer. First ensuring that the system is set to boot from USB
Note: If you are not sure how to do that follow the instructions Here

Windows 7 and Vista screenshots

When you reboot you will see this.
Click repair my computer

Select your operating system

Select Command prompt

At the command prompt type the following :

notepad and press Enter.
The notepad opens. Under File menu select Open.
Select “Computer” and find your flash drive letter and close the notepad.
In the command window type e:\frst64.exe or e:\frst.exe dependant on system
and press Enter
Note: Replace letter e with the drive letter of your flash drive.
The tool will start to run.
When the tool opens click Yes to disclaimer.

Press Scan button.
It will make a log (FRST.txt) on the flash drive. Please copy and paste it to your reply.

Hi Essexboy,

As soon as I get home today at approximately 1pm PST I will give this a shot and get back to you. But the last few times I tried the Repair Your Computer Function, after hitting F8 all I got was a black screen with a white cursor, nothing wanted to load.

If you use the recovery console on the USB it will bypass your hardrive and windows files

Hi Essexboy,

I tried but, it seems it still boot to a black screen with a cursor. I have attached photos of my BIOS to show you the boot order. In addition, I have the thumb drive formatted with Rufus and the .iso file installed as well as the Farbar file. Why isn’t it booting the recovery screen?

Could you set USB/CD DVD as your first boot device and try again

Hi Essexboy,

So I set USB/CD DVD as my first boot device, tried it three times, still ended up on the black screen with the white cursor. It seems like it doesn’t want to boot using the thumb drive? I did end up hitting the space bar multiple times during the prompt for “press any key to boot from USB drive” and came up with (photo 1), I then ran the diagnostic and came up with (photo 2). I also tried booting the Windows Setup EMS option, but got the black screen white cursor yet again.

Hi Essexboy,

I decided to create a bootable disk using PowerISO with the .iso file you sent me. Set the BIOS to boot from the internal CD/DVD Rom. It was obvious from the sound of the disk drive that is was booting from the CD, I got the screen that says "Windows is Loading Files, but then ended up with the same black screen.

P.S. this may be of little use, but through the BIOS I ran 2 tests: a Memory Test, succeeded, Then I ran a “Primary Hard Disk Self Test” and it seems to have stalled.

Sounds like the hard drive is dead although it should still load the recovery console from the USB or CD