aswRvrt.sys problem with windows 7 32

I have the same problem as other users. I’ve attached the FRST.txt file. Thank you for your help

If this does not work could you re-run FRST and I will remove Avast

Download the attached fixlist.txt to the same USB as FRST
Run FRST as before and press Fix

Attempt a reboot to normal windows

it did not work :frowning: any other ideas please?

I will uninstall Avast on this run, although I do not believe it to be the problem

Download fixlist.txt to the same USB as FRST
Run as before and press fix
Retry normal windows

There is a new release of avast 8.0.1489, so I don’t know if that would resolve the aswRvrt.sys issue. See for download information.

now it stops working at classpnp.sys. is there any way to fix this?

Unfortunately no as it is the driver after avast that is causing the problem

Have you tried a system restore from the recovery console ?