Hi, I’ve been getting some BSOD in the middle of a match in Exteel… and after disabling the “Automatically restart” option I got to see where the error happens and it shows a aswsp.sys file that is trying to access the memory…
I had read elsewhere that this was a problem caused mainly for having the Comodo Firewall installed together with Avast… I can 100% confirm that this is not the case since I formatted my computer yesterday and only installed Avast… and the problem persists.
I would like to know if there is any solution for this problem at the moment.
Hard to say without inspecting the dump.
You can try to disable avast! self-defense in avast! settings / Troubleshooting page, but there’s no guarantee it helps, I’m afraid.
Already tried that one I’ve been checking some threads about problems with aswsp.sys and one of them mentioned that option… although it didnt worked for me.
I’m gonna try the registry value change for aswsp.sys and see if it works.
Hi, just want to say that altering the aswsp.sys’s Start value in the registry to 3 seems to have made the problem go away… although I still didn’t searching what that value does… does it turn anything off? Can I use Avast safely with it set to 3?