I have been using avast for some time now and just recently updated to the latest version via the auto update to vers 7.0.1426.
Since that update i seem to have problems with the blue screen of death… (it haunts everyone at some point…lol)
anyway, with the main problem i seem to be having is when i start the game Fallout 3 it seems to act in such a way that i go automaticly into a blue screen and the windows 7 32bit crashes and reboots …
Now one would automatically think… go to Fallout 3 and check for a solution… well the problem is that when looking up the file that was being refered to… (from the BSOD) i found that it is actually an avast file… this also happens when exiting IE and trying to start the GOTY edition of Fallout 3.
I wont bore you with the things i had done when this keeps happening though would be happy to write them if it is to be more helpful…
What i am confused about though is, when the BSOD happens it refers to the file name mentioned previously… i do have dump files which i can not read, so i am not sure if you could read them, anyway any help or suggestions is appreciated.
Ps, what i am wondering is, if it is if is possible that Fallout 3 or avast could be conflicting with each other and causing windows 7 to crash? I am also checking out the fallout 3 sites for any info there that might help too…
Internet security…so the pro i asume that should recognize the paid version… even though it did not recognize the email i used to purchase it with in the program
My apology i was in the process of editing the answer to correct it and then the site said it was the wrong caption and that it was already posted…
Which avast!..?? (IS)
Which version…?? 7.0.1426
OS…?? (32 Bit… - which SP 1)
Other security related software installed…?? Ad-Aware, windows firewall, and windoes defender… thats about it…
It does not happen all the time…(the BSOD) though… just half of the time in recent events…
I am there now… though was just reading a how to on this forum about uploading… the only confusion is how do i know if you acutally got it, if i dont need a actual ftp program to upload the dmp file? http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=80195.msg657300#msg657300
nope didnt get an error message… just a calculating time for it… the file should be sent as c0mputesdumpfiles with the last two dmp files in a zip…
Will check back in the morning i hope it helps if not then i will keep searching… thought time for some sleep its 430am… lol
Ty and well I am back again… after dreaming of avast protecting my laptop (in silent gaming mode) while playing fallout 3 and GTA IV and other great games… lol i came to check on the status … now i know you guys are busy and you probably get a lot of incomming data to to handle…
Though I am hoping that maybe somewhere in the midst of this, on this fine, cold, rainy day, that just begs for a nice hot cuppa (coffee that is…lol) and a good game with the heater on, that i could find out what the problem could, might or does lead to the cause?..
Ok after some research of my own it seems to only happen when the falloutlauncher.exe is clicked on… when using fallout3.exe i do not seem to be getting a blue screen … nor does it go that way after exiting IE, so its probably the launcher program or when clicking play on the launcher… either way… there was info sent to microsoft about the crashes (BSOD) as well and i had been searching fallout 3 offical site and forums and the last update was 2009 …lol
Anyway what i have done is unpinned the launcher exe from the start menu and replaced it by pinning the fallout3.exe to the start menu instead…
It still would be usefull info though i hope… apology if it is not…
Cheers and have a great day/night where ever you are in the world…