AT recovery settings failure

I’m not being able to save the recovery settings.
The error is something like “can’t create /system/etc/ Read-only file systemchmod: /system/etc/ No such file or directory). Try again…”.
My ROM is SlimKat 4.4 (rooted with SuperSu).

What can I do?

Un- and reinstalling will fix this problem.
With android 4.4 the path for rooted installed apps has changed. this causes the error.

I’ve managed that, but after flashing an OTA, avast! says simultaneously that AT is not installed and it’s on the system partition.
Do I need two boots all the time?

m. I don’t fully get the question.
you need to reboot after each installation/update of a rooted AT installation.

Werner, I give up on having AT in root mode. Maybe I’m too flasholic to have it uninstalled, boot, installed again all the times. Although it’s shown it will survive a ROM OTA flash, it does not. I’m using Slim ROM 4.4.2 and it’s being shown it can survive (I can check the option for that). Then, after flashing, AT can’t be activated, need to be uninstalled and installed again, all configurated, boot again, etc.

SuperSu has an option to be transformed in a system app and it survives the ROM OTA upgrades with easy and all the times.
Maybe you can create a similar script for AT.