At this time. Are there any removal tool that can fight Win32/Vitru ?

My Class (I am class leader of University) have computers around 40. and 1 file server with clamwin
all are XP Pro and fileserver are 2003 R2.

One of my desktop in class infect vitro virus (Avast tell me it’s name) and it’s spread around the class
lucky that other class network is not infected too.

At this time. Are there any removal tool that can completely clean Win32/Vitru virus?
because re-install 40+1 PC is not going to be easy.


W32:Vitro (Virut) virus removal

Virut and other File infectors - Throwing in the Towel?

Dealing with the dispicable Vitro / Virut (Win32.Virut) polymorphic virus or

try both
good luck

i’m nearly sure that format won’t help,it also infects the boot,85% won’t help

quote: Miekiemoes ( Assistant Director of Research @ Malwarebytes )

In anyway, that's how I see it. Imho, dealing with such infections is a waste of time and that's why I prefer the fastest and safest solution - which is a format and reinstall.
τ… το φορματ όταν πρόκειται για τον virut είναι άχρηστο 85%
O virut γράφεται και πάνω στον boot sector των δίσκων οπότε μολύνει την νέα εγκατάσταση πολύ πριν κάνει το format.

the format is completely useless when we are talking about virut,virut infects the boot sector so it infects the new installation before it even begin(do the format),

Οστόσο υπάρχουν πολλά πολλά προγράμματα τα οποία μπορούν άνετα να αφαιρέσουν τον virut. 70%
however there are many tools that can CLEAN THE 70% OF VIRUT,the other 30% only from backups

who is right?he is very good “malware fighter” too ;D

advanced format is the other solution but it’s very very hard

how to clean a patch virus?!