I cant find file which avast ate saing its virus, I dont care if its virus, I want it back and that file is not in virus chest.
Can I fix this or avast became virus itself and needs to be removed from my computer so i can instal any other antivirus software which wont remove files which i dont want to remove?
I just installed avast did not touch any settings.
last pop up is not that file i talked about.
last pop up file is in virus chest and was yellow pop up.
pop up file that is not existing in chest was red pop up, and i know for sure it is not virus, file is exe.
did it automaticly removed it from computer?
thats all i want to know.
I have much work to do, and that exe is badly needed for my work.
now calculate how im pissed off, when it will take me one week to again have that exe file and earn some money for myself .
im really really pissed off by many software nowdays.
seems avast has became something that works for windows and other companies and removes every exe that looks like it could be crack or something, more than to actually keep our computers safe from viruses.
Which is Asyn and Pondus and asking is what are your detection settings ?
You also don’t say what shield or on-demand scan made the detection ?
You don’t say what the file name and location, nor the malware name given ?
All of this information helps us to see what the problem is.
Personally my file shield settings for action on detections are Ask and No Action. That way I control the actions not what the default settings are.
As a secondary action, I would suggest that you start considering a backup and recovery strategy. I do weekly drive image backups and keep the last 6 images, I can recover a file, folder or whole partition or drive (no matter what the reason).
EDIT: Re your comment “which one of those,” we don’t know as we don’t know what made the detection.
If file originates from web, it will be blocked and not placed in Virus Chest. If it was local on disk already, it’s strange. avast! is configured to repair the file if it’s file infector and if it fails, next action is move to Virus Chest…