before it didn’t use to do this but all of a sudden it started doing this everytime i restart my computer a warning sign pops up like this… can anyone tell me why and how i can fix this problem.thank you very much
Uhh… Maybe is doesn’t support your graphics drivers? Did you try following it? - I’ve got an annoying message as well
Would you like to install the microsoft VM?
Doesn’t go away =Z
See if you fimd an answer at the following site:
The message is just saying that your particular graphics driver is too old for this particular version of the control center software and to either download a newer driver or turn on the driver (which should already be the case.) Did you adjust or do anything with the driver or control center that might have caused this? What is your graphics card exactly?
Best Regards…
No i didn’t touch anything in the control center or do anything with the driver…my graphics card is ati radeon x1250 how do you download or turn it on .this is a 3 month old pc i just bought it brand new and it never use to do that,it just started doing this just recently
Ok, I’m assuming you’re running Windows Vista. I need to know two things…
Can you go into the Control Panel and bring up your Windows Update history. Did you download and install any “driver updates” from Microsoft that included your graphics card? If so, this is something that could have thrown Catalyst off.
If you right click on “Computer,” and click “Properties,” and click on the “Device Manager,” and then, finally, the “Display adapter,” what do you see?
Any x’s or exclamation points? Under the device name, what does it say exactly? Is there the word “Microsoft” anywhere in the name?
You may need to download the newest driver and Catalyst package, I’m just wanting to see what the system is registering first.
Best Regards…
this is what i got
sorry ardvark dont know how to post 2 images at the sametime…yes im running vista
Take a look at the “ATI Technologies Inc - Display - ATI Radeon X1250” entry in your last post. I would imagine this is the culprit. If you would please, highlight that entry and right click the option to bring up the summary. I would like to see what kind of changes it made. Please post a picture of it as well, if possible.
Best Regards…
is this what your talking about i right clicked and it said view details and this is what came up my bad i posted it twice my mistake
Unfortunately, that didn’t give me as much as I was hoping for or much to work with. The site was for Windows XP, not Vista.
Well, to the extent of what I know, we have two choices…
You can uninstall the upgrade if it gives you that option, it may or may not. I don’t know what kind of consequenes, if any, that will have. If it is successful, it should make the error message go away, I would think. Proceed with caution and at your own risk.
If the uninstall option is unavailable or things get botched from something unforseen from uninstalling the update, you can download the latest driver and Catalyst package for your card here…
I can give you a more precise link if you can tell me if your system is 32 or 64 bit. If 32 bit Vista…
If you go this route, I would advise that you completely uninstall the entire previous graphics driver and Catalyst software before installing the new one.
Also, The update in question was “optional.” My personal opinion is that these are to be installed only as needed, they are not installed automatically by default in Vista.
Hope this helps…
Best Regards…
32 bit and no it wont let me uninstall the update
Ok, then the only thing I can think of is to uninstall the current software and driver and install the one from the second link I posted.
Best Regards…
damn ardvark your telling me to do it at my own risk huh?im kind of hesitant now would anything bad happen?
I’m not telling you you have to do it, I’m just telling you a possible solution to your problem.
The second option (and only option) is probably safer but I can’t rule out complications. Your system is not in front of me, so I don’t know any other possible variables, like a virus, for instance. Sometimes unforseen glitches come up, too. I’m only going on what I know from your posts.
Best Regards…
thank you very much for your help
ardvark i took your advise and i went through it i clicked on the second link you posted but first i removed entire previous graphics driver and Catalyst software before installing the new one.and now that warning sign went away when i reboot my computer thanks once again ardvark
You’re quite welcome, glad I could help and that your problem is now fixed!
Best Regards…