Hi Guys,
My computer has been attacked by a virus which masks itself ans an .exe file having the same folder name as its resident folder. I have been attacked in spite of the latest avast! and Windows Vista(Ultimate edition) updates. 
I tried running a scan but in vain. Am not able to get rid of the virus. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Amol,
what is the name of the virus (and by extension, the folder?)
Try downloading and running DrWeb Cureit (no install required.)
What is your operating system and any other security -including past antivirus - that you have installed?
[edit] I see you are using Vista Ultimate. Just the security program info, please.
try a bootable AV disc such as Avira Rescue System or avast! bart or Dr.Web LiveCD.
The Avira AntiVir Rescue System a linux-based application that allows accessing computers that cannot be booted anymore. Thus it is possible to repair a damaged system, to rescue data or to scan the system for virus infections. Just double-click on the rescue system package to burn it to a CD/DVD. You can then use this CD/DVD to boot your computer. The Avira AntiVir Rescue System is updated several times a day so that the most recent security updates are always available. You can download it from here. You can learn how to use it from Here.
After burn it to disc, use it to boot your computer and do a full scan and remove anything that it find.
and then
Download, install and update these programs:
Malwarebytes Antimalware: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php
SUPERAntiSpyware: http://www.superantispyware.com/
SpyBot S&D: http://www.spybot.info/
scan your computer using them, also try to immunize your windows using SpyBot S&D. During installation of SpyBot S&D disable all residents.
Thanks a ton for the interest shown…, Its greatly appreciated. 
1).what is the name of the virus (and by extension, the folder?)
Ans : Well, the virus takes in the name of the folder to which it is attached to. For example, if the name of the folder is Amol, the virus would attach itself to the folder as Amol.exe.
2). What is your operating system and any other security -including past antivirus - that you have installed?
Ans : My operating system is Windows Vista Ultimate Edition SP1(32 bit) with the latest updates.
Avast is the first antivirus on this new system. There have been no such incidents in the past. Avast! used to detect all the infected files whenever i plug in a new Pen Drive. But, this time it did not :(.
I scanned the infected file with avast! and it says that the file is not an infected one.
Hope i have cleared all your queries. Waiting for your reply at the earliest.
PS: I also have Spybot S&D installed.
@Omid Farhang,
Many Thanks for the reply, 
Firstly, the computer is running absolutely fine. It is just that the virus cannot be removed. It has replicated itself in Drives(D & E) in all the folders and sub-folders.
I have installed SPYBOT S&D along with avast!, and also have immunized my system using it.
Will go through all the links provided by you and try to get rid of it.
Thanks again 
I am running an online scan using Kaspersky., It has detected the threat as Worm.Win32.AutoIt.cb.
It is taking ages to finish the scan as the drive is 250GB.,
Will get back soon with the complete report.
Hi Amol,
What AV was on the system (if any) before Avast?
and it’s why I asked you to using a Live Bootable disc, when you boot using a Live CD, the virus would not be active and cannot copy itself in different places and is easy to remove it without any problem 
If you need help of a bootable CD, read the instructions, download and burn (maybe from another computer), finally use one of this rescue CD’s:
- Avira
- Kaspersky
- BitDefender
- F-Secure
- Dr. Web
Thanks a ton guys…, 
The Kaspersky Rescue 2008 rescued me ;D
Keep the great work going…, 8)
You’re welcome. If you want to help me, don’t thank me, just sign up & use (sign up only is not enough) Mozy to get 2,200 Mb for free remote backup system. Enjoy its safety!