This has happened ever since apparently successful install.For further information message at bottom of red error box, produces Access denied message.
On checking the log, towards the end it reads: ERROR PerformPkgDiff: Savefull Package (C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\setup\vps.8061700.vpu) failed error 0x00000005\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:37:52 general: \b\cf1 EN:Access is denied. \b0\par
This looks as if my machine is doing the denying, but I don’t know why it should be doing so.
Any help appreciated.
Sorry it’s so long winded.
Error 0x00000005 is access denied.
Can you post a screenshot of the error message? Is it a moving panel from the bottom right size of the computer? Are you connected to the Internet at that time? Are you logged as the administrator?
Unable to upload a screenshot, sorry. When update requested a window entitled Avast! Antivirus Setup appears centre screen, title within window states Downloading packages. 2 progress bars show loads of packages being downloaded, and then saved. Then the problem seems to occur. Pop up appears from bottom right of taskbar, by clock, same as successful update pop up BUT dark red background instead of blue. Words to the effect that download unsuccessful, click below for explanation. Then a box appears centre screen to announce Access denied, as I said originally, this appears to be a windows problem, but I hope someone has a simple solution for this. I have Avast running on 2 other machines one XP and one XP Pro, without problems. The problem machine is running a recently re-installed 98se Operating system, thus far not updated, as Windows update for 98 not currently co-operating.
Which firewall do you use?
Please, post the last 200-250 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log
Sorry about delay, am currently doing a Scandisk surface scan operation which taking forever. Loads of bad clusters and sectors. Am doing this from 98se Start-up disk, but have still had to restart several times, thus I can’t access the log at the moment to upload the requested lines. I’m hoping that this repair of the drive, and then a re-install, may get rid of the problem I raised. Will reply again once current operation concluded. It’s not my laptop, so I had trouble setting the machine to boot from floppy, in the first place.
Backup quickly your data… maybe you should change your HDD asap.
Ref your earlier request. Firewall is NetVeda SafetyNet;Avast log follows:-
17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf4 LoadPackageInfo: loaded ‘vps’, 76 subversions\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf1 LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-vps-8061700.vpu’ returned 00000000\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf4 LoadPackageInfo: loaded ‘news405’, 1 subversions\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf4 LoadPackageInfo: loaded ‘news409’, 1 subversions\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf1 LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-news-4b.vpu’ returned 00000000\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf4 LoadPackageInfo: loaded ‘setif_av_pro’, 5 subversions\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf4 LoadPackageInfo: loaded ‘setup_av_pro’, 7 subversions\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf1 LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-setup_av_pro-4b1.vpu’ returned 00000000\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf3 WARN:LoadPartVpu ended on no pInfo\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf4 LoadPackageInfo: loaded ‘jrog’, 29 subversions\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf1 LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-jrog-3e.vpu’ returned 00000000\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 general: \b\cf1 Part of license key: W78827129H5600A1106\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf3 FilterOutExistingFiles: 127 & 127 = 0\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:20 package: \b\cf3 FilterOutExistingFiles: 127 & 127 = 0\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:22 package: \b\cf3 IsFullOkay: setup_av_pro-4b1.vpu - is okay\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:22 package: \b\cf3 IsFullOkay: setif_av_pro-4b1.vpu - is okay\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:35:22 package: \b\cf3 IsFullOkay: vps-8061700.vpu - not okay (doesn’t exist)\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:01 package: \b\cf4 SetDownloadBits: vps setting 6 diffs to process\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:01 package: \b\cf3 IsFullOkay: vpsm-8061700.vpu - not okay (doesn’t exist)\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:01 package: \b\cf3 IsFullOkay: vpsm-8061700.vpu - not okay (doesn’t exist)\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:01 package: \b\cf4 SetFullAsMarked: Package vpsm set to 1\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:01 internet: \b\cf2 HttpGetWinsock(\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:02 internet: \b\cf2 Used server:\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:02 file: \b\cf1 GetFileWithRetry: vps-8061200-8061100.vpu downloaded and verified\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:02 package: \b\cf2 DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vps-8061200-8061100.vpu, returned 0x00000000\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:13 package: \b\cf3 PerformDiff: Ok\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:13 internet: \b\cf2 HttpGetWinsock(\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:15 internet: \b\cf2 Used server:\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:15 file: \b\cf1 GetFileWithRetry: vps-8061300-8061200.vpu downloaded and verified\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:15 package: \b\cf2 DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vps-8061300-8061200.vpu, returned 0x00000000\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:17 package: \b\cf3 PerformDiff: Ok\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:17 internet: \b\cf2 HttpGetWinsock(\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:18 internet: \b\cf2 Used server:\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:18 file: \b\cf1 GetFileWithRetry: vps-8061400-8061300.vpu downloaded and verified\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:18 package: \b\cf2 DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vps-8061400-8061300.vpu, returned 0x00000000\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:20 package: \b\cf3 PerformDiff: Ok\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:20 internet: \b\cf2 HttpGetWinsock(\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:21 internet: \b\cf2 Used server:\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:21 file: \b\cf1 GetFileWithRetry: vps-8061500-8061400.vpu downloaded and verified\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:21 package: \b\cf2 DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vps-8061500-8061400.vpu, returned 0x00000000\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:23 package: \b\cf3 PerformDiff: Ok\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:23 internet: \b\cf2 HttpGetWinsock(\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:24 internet: \b\cf2 Used server:\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:24 file: \b\cf1 GetFileWithRetry: vps-8061600-8061500.vpu downloaded and verified\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:24 package: \b\cf2 DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vps-8061600-8061500.vpu, returned 0x00000000\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:27 package: \b\cf3 PerformDiff: Ok\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:27 internet: \b\cf2 HttpGetWinsock(\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:29 internet: \b\cf2 Used server:\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:29 file: \b\cf1 GetFileWithRetry: vps-8061700-8061600.vpu downloaded and verified\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:29 package: \b\cf2 DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vps-8061700-8061600.vpu, returned 0x00000000\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:36:31 package: \b\cf3 PerformDiff: Ok\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:37:52 package: \b\cf1 ERROR PerformPkgDiff: SaveFullPackage(C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vps-8061700.vpu) failed, error 0x00000005\b0\par\cf1 17.06.2008 17:37:52 general: \b\cf1 Err:Access is denied.\b0\par
HDD seems to be in it’s death throes. Hope to replace later today.
That will be confused if you post it like that. All mixed together.
Finally to return to this topic.
I’ve now installed 98se on another HD with no bad sectors or clusters.
Re-installed and registered Avast4, and get exactly the same problem, Access is Denied. Log similar to that posted a few days ago.
Must be a way round this…??
Please, post the last 200-250 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log
Please see reply #6 on 21st June. Latest log was essentially the same, but has been deleted. I have abandoned Avast on that laptop, until I can get some solution to this problem.
I can’t analyze that all mixed… can you open the setup.log file into Notepad, copy and paste here… Thanks.
Files seem to be corrupted when saved to disk.
Scan disk need to be run. Backup your files and, if possible, change the disk.
Just my humble opinion, please do not be insulted, no insult is intended.
I may be out of line here, but win98 anything has not been supported by its’ own creators, (i.e. Microsoft), for about a hundred years now.
Most software has updated beyond that OS, the fact that Avast works with it at all
I find amazing.
If the tech gurus’ here manage to analyze the logs and come up with a fix
then my hat is off to them
However, if a fix is not forthcoming, a possible suggestion would be to load older software
that may be more appropriate for the Win98 OS family. There are websites that contain older software.
If your systems are work systems…update your OS.
If your systems are personal home systems…update your OS
If it is your kids, or you blog with it, or it is a paperweight, whatever…update your OS.
Yes I know it is a pain, I know that you are going to have to get new software, I know that some things
are not going to work the same…sorry to tell you this, but…update your OS.
If your system is not powerfull enough to update, build a new one…have a tech friend build you one…or go shopping.
The point is that pretty much everyone had to spend money or time or both to come up into the 21st century.
The more time that rolls on, the less that will be available for older OS versions. Heck, WINXP is almost too old now.
I think it is considered the bottom of the heap now. I run XP and am going to have to upgrade soon, but I will skip Vista and wait for the next one.
I guess the point is, update your OS. If Microsoft won’t even support the product, why should anyone else?
Again, just my opinion.
Find a good list of older software at:
Well I have absolutely no idea what is you want, because your post bears no resemblance to your Topic Title.
avast does support win98 even win95 and there are many forum members that use still win98 and avast works just fine. I am totally confused about reference to, there should be no reason to use an old version of avast ???
So if you would like to explain exactly what the problem is we can try and help you.
You ask a question yet don’t give any information about what it is that avast should support.
Thank you avast for putting something in that really is not that difficult.Why not support it if you already made the software cabable to support it?
The fact that avast can do something which isn’t supported by the old OS isn’t the fault of avast when even Microsoft won’t support win9x ???
Please modify your post and remove any language unsuitable for minors (there are many of those also on the forums) thanks.
bit bucket time
You can only help those who want to be helped.