Hello,many people are having trouble playing Counter-Strike and other games with avast and sXe Injected:
Avast version 6 brings problems when using the sXe Injected anticheat system for games based on Half-Life (Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, etc). It appears that the problem is with the SandBox please check that. I am currently using an older version: 5.1.889 and no problems, I do not want to change antivirus.
I’m having the same problem. I’m using Windows 7 Home Premium, Counter Strike 1.6, sXe Injected 11.6 Fix 2, Avast 6.0.1000. With Avast 5.x there was no problem.
2011/03/03 23:06:18 - Win XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 3)
2011/03/03 23:06:18 - version: 11.6 (Fix 1)
2011/03/03 23:06:19 - open [77BFF566]
2011/03/03 23:06:19 - Platform: x86 detected
2011/03/03 23:06:19 - Starting Device Driver
2011/03/03 23:06:19 - service [C:\Archivos de programa\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
2011/03/03 23:06:19 - Open manager OK
2011/03/03 23:06:22 - Create Service OK
2011/03/03 23:06:22 - Start Service OK
2011/03/03 23:06:22 - Service ready
2011/03/03 23:06:22 - Trying to open device[1]...
2011/03/03 23:06:22 - Service Handle OK
2011/03/03 23:06:22 - [35][7C91D1AE]
2011/03/03 23:06:22 - [32][7C91D17E]
2011/03/03 23:06:23 - [115][7C91DFAE]
2011/03/03 23:06:23 - [74][7C91D59E]
2011/03/03 23:06:23 - [AD][7C91D92E]
2011/03/03 23:06:23 - [7A][7C91D5FE]
2011/03/03 23:06:23 - [D5][7C91DBAE]
2011/03/03 23:06:23 - [89][7C91D6EE]
2011/03/03 23:06:23 - [FE][7C91DE3E]
2011/03/03 23:06:23 - [BA][7C91D9FE]
2011/03/03 23:06:24 - Waiting for game...
2011/03/03 23:09:02 - Proceso [explorer.exe](1808) injecting on PID (3368) -> (ALLOW)[1]
2011/03/03 23:09:02 - Intercepting error
2011/03/03 23:09:02 - sXe Injected will close
2011/03/03 23:09:02 - Error[007](b3a90a88)[00d](b3a90a2e)[07a](b3a924ca)[0bf](b3a90a1c)[0e3](b3a90a52)[0e9](b3a92448)[0ed](b3a90a64)[124](b3a90a40)[12a](b3a90a76)[136](b3a90960)[13f](b3a908b0)[163](b3a90908)[1f6](b3a90990)]
2011/03/03 23:09:04 - * Sending shutdown
2011/03/03 23:09:04 - * Termination
2011/03/03 23:09:05 - * Sending shutdown
2011/03/03 23:09:05 - * Termination
2011/03/03 23:09:06 - * Cleaning
2011/03/03 23:09:06 - * Stoping service
2011/03/03 23:09:06 - * Service stopped
2011/03/03 23:09:06 - * Service deleted
2011/03/03 23:09:07 - * Cleaning
2011/03/03 23:09:07 - GetLastError(1060)(El servicio especificado no existe como servicio instalado.
2011/03/03 23:09:07 - Open service error
2011/03/03 23:09:08 - * Cleaning
2011/03/03 23:09:08 - GetLastError(1060)(El servicio especificado no existe como servicio instalado.
I’m waiting for any post 3-5 days here
its not possible that avast 6.0.1000 work with sxe 11.6(fix 1)???
I’m sure its about that new feature autosandbox because im just updated anti virus and now i cant play counter strike 1.6 without sxe
i make ignore it like this:
“C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\sXe Injected.exe”
not worked…
im closed autosandbox,
not worked…
im closed avast
not worked…
i need to uninstall it?
about error:
“Proceso explorer.exe injecting on PID (2080) → (ALLOW)[1]
Intercepting error
sXe Injected will close”
thats the important part
i dont want uninstall avast, so please help… im thinking sometimes why im updated avast…
there is no way that i can return last update? because i have bad connection and i cant download 60-100mb again…
waiting for fix or any news please!
oh and i see that 6.0.1027
(attempt to fix new compatibility problems with GameGuard and sXe rootkits)
i have 6.0.1000 but it didn’t update it to 6.0.1027
hmm okay i think i start understand that pre release
im downloading 6.0.1027 i hope it will fix my problem…
i see XP. fixed with 6.0.1027 well well… there is a chance…