I need a definitive answer to this question. What is the most recent version of AIS that will install ‘SafeZone’ on non-SSE2 CUs?
My client only upgraded from version 7 to version 9 last year and now he wants to go back wants to AIS 7.0.1426 so he can use the ‘SafeZone’ featuer he’s paid for. However, I’d prefer to use a more recent version if there is one that is compatible with his otherwise perfectly capable 400Mhz FSB, 2.2Ghz AMD CPU, SATA 2, SSD drive, systems.
Thanks Eddy.
If I persist with this, I might try installing AIS 7.0.1426 and then custom installing 10.0.2208 without SafeZone (however, seeing as Ubuntu 14.04 is currently running really well on a spare drive on this rig and the owner is getting the hang of using Libre Office on all his old Office files…).
I think we recompiled SafeZone to support non-SSE2 CPUs (~one month ago, before final avast 2015 was released) so it should work on older CPUs. What’s your CPU exactly? Can you please run “system information” and write me your exact type? I also don’t understand what you mean by “point” in this sentence “SafeZone support for AMD Athlon XP processors ceased at some point. I’m trying to find out when that point was.”. Usually, if an app contains unsupported CPU instructions, it’d crash, not hang/deadlock/ or something else.
Indeed when a unsupported CPU instructions encountered, the application would give a error, crashes or something.
SafeZone was working without a problem on my system with avast pro version 2014.9.0.2021 installed.
Since I don’t have a valid license anymore, I can’t test if (the latest) SafeZone is working on a non SSE2 system.
Re CPU specs.
I got remote access to one of the PCs in question. For some reason running ‘msinfo32.exe’ only opened the “Help & Support” Window (XP Pro SP3) so I ran CPU-Z instead (txt file attached).
Re “SafeZone support for AMD Athlon XP processors ceased at some point.” This post by Igor was the source of this info. Sure enough, when I run Google chrome on this PC, I get the attached warning.
I would like to get to the bottom of this. Everyone’s trying to help but so far I feel it’s been going round in circles.
Unfortunately, Igor is right. We weren’t able to make Chromium work without SSE2 and as a result, we were forced to disable SafeZone on those processors as of 10.0.2206. This makes 9.0.2021 the latest version able to run SafeZone (albeit with old Chromium).
Just a thought.
Have the avast installer/updater detect if a system supports SSE2.
If it does offer the installation of the latest SafeZone and Chrome.
If it doesn’t offer the user to install the latest working version on a non SSE2 system.
Ofcourse tell the user they will not be the latest versions but the latest working versions.
Thanks drake127
The latest AIS installer I have is for 9.0.2010. I should be able to install this without it automatically downloading the latest version by using Nirsoft Runasdate. If this works out, the customer should be happy at least till his licenses expire at the end of 2015.
It will not work out. Currently, you can install old version regardless of date but it either won’t work well (e.g. certificates might be considered invalid) or it will update automatically to the latest version (you don’t want that). If you want to stay on v9, use the latest 9.0.2021 (http://filehippo.com/download_avast_antivirus/58011/)